Eddie León is the Executive Vice President of radio programming for Estrella Media’s national radio network. In his role, León is responsible for overseeing all radio programmers in the seventeen owned and operated radio stations across the US, including the widely popular Don Cheto Radio Network.
León, a 25-year radio industry veteran, oversees programming for Estrella Media’s seventeen owned and operated radio stations across the U.S., including the popular syndicated radio show Don Cheto Al Aire. He works with radio programmers in various markets and oversees content, format selection and execution, and research. He is responsible for setting creative strategy and direction for the radio division.
León is a renowned figure in Spanish-language radio broadcasting in the U.S. His career, which spans over 25 years, began in California’s central valley, namely Santa Maria, Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton, Sacramento, and Salinas. His successful performance in these markets led to his first big opportunity in 1997 as a Spanish language radio consultant for a newly created station in Chicago. He then continued his successful career as a consultant for Spanish language radio stations in Los Angeles.
León is originally from the state of Michoacan, Mexico but immigrated to the US in 1977. He studied broadcast journalism at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California.